Saturday, January 29, 2005

The Show Mungkee

My first event for the year "LEAP" an event they do at La Salle every year. It's some sort of alternative enhancement program for the beautiful students of the said school. Everything went fine, except for the grins they had when they found out what my capoeira nickname meant. Batatinha, hahaha its an honor being called the junior of our professor. Then they saw who Batata was, and everybody said what the hell. Hahahaha that guy caught the crowds attention after he did all his tricks in mid air.
I'm back and it does'nt feel the same. I'm not getting the same high that I got before, when I was doing capoeira then. Everybody seems so new and I'm the new old guy, man that's hard to gulp down.
The love for the art has gone so mental, that I do mental training mostly rather than physically practicing it.
It does'nt feel the same and I guess it would never be the same, never again. Time to move on, and practice the art in my mind. I think I need to rest my endeavors for the meanwhile.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

On My Own

Aight the long wait is over, I'm moving out of our house. My mom seems to think about it too much, my dad's cool with it and I'm not that excited. I'm used to sleeping in other houses but not living in another house. This will take a lot of getting used too. How the hell will I go through this?
Hmmm I'm starting to feel icky and everything, talks about going to greener pastures and everything has been moving around. Damn, I have to keep reminding myself that I still don't have my diploma with me. How I wish that I can just pay someone to do that for me, walking and processing all those papers. Talking to those nutcrackers in the registrars office can get awefully irritating, I'd hate to lose my cool.
Studying again, it keeps on hitting the back of my mind although I don't know what to take. Lets just see what tomorrow brings.

Friday, January 14, 2005

The Dance of War, Inside the Circle of Life

It has been a year and a half now, I already forgot how it feels to move freely within the circle.
Just a brief flashback, someone sent me a message telling me to go back and train again for some good purpose.well, I missed the art that we tried nurturing for several years, it's worth training again and the purpose is good enough to send me back to the ground. Here I go again.

The first session for the year was quiet okay and painful too. I missed that ache that ran from my neck down when I was training before. Those were the days when I was able to train from an hour or so rigorously. Applying Bengay as your perfume is not that bad after all hahahahahaha...
There were a few cuties at the hottest gym in town, hmm I wonder why. Enough with that crap, I went there to train and I was not hunting swans to start it with. After a gruelling first hour I felt the need to tie myself up. I kept going and going until i felt my leg hardened, damn cramps. Oh shit I fucking hurts arghh...and this means I have to stop and rest. All in a days work and I'm ready to head for my real work, my crappy leg still hurts.

I stood breathe and moved my arms. The flow led my feet to go from side to side. As the music plays my body follows, the rhythm sends a kick and each beat dictates my movement. Hold each thought and movements taught. I must now enter the circle, ai meu Deus give me the your blessing. I reach out my hand and smiled at my friend as we entered the circle we exchanged looks. Who releases the first blow? Who accepts the first hit? Only one thing is for sure inside the roda I'am free...

Sunday, January 02, 2005

New Year, Old Me...

Everybody seems optimistic about this year, well all that I'm seeing are problems welcoming the year. Getting some review on economics does make you more pessimistic than you usually would be. Don't read the newspapers, avoid watching the TV and drop those lifestyle magazines. Looking at these things would make you think that it's all ok, but wait try looking at your pocket.
Well here we go again, another list of self proclaimed promises. Have you made your list of resolutions? The way I see it, New Year's Resolutions are for thick-skulled righteous persons. Change should happen everyday, assessing ourselves should always be a passive condition of the mind. I'm a think-skulled ninny, but I always made it a point to self-introspect after doing something.Wow! Am I making myself look like a goody two-shoe prick? Enough with self-introspection and let's go to the main course, what to expect this year. The main rule is don't expect for anything to happen at your will. Everything is materialized with energy and matter, move and produce that's what we should do to prosper, and now I'm starting to act like the Dalai Lama. Ok enough of my crap.