Saturday, January 29, 2005

The Show Mungkee

My first event for the year "LEAP" an event they do at La Salle every year. It's some sort of alternative enhancement program for the beautiful students of the said school. Everything went fine, except for the grins they had when they found out what my capoeira nickname meant. Batatinha, hahaha its an honor being called the junior of our professor. Then they saw who Batata was, and everybody said what the hell. Hahahaha that guy caught the crowds attention after he did all his tricks in mid air.
I'm back and it does'nt feel the same. I'm not getting the same high that I got before, when I was doing capoeira then. Everybody seems so new and I'm the new old guy, man that's hard to gulp down.
The love for the art has gone so mental, that I do mental training mostly rather than physically practicing it.
It does'nt feel the same and I guess it would never be the same, never again. Time to move on, and practice the art in my mind. I think I need to rest my endeavors for the meanwhile.

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