Friday, October 14, 2005


GOD is the MAN and he'll always listen, but be careful what you wish for, it might just come true. Well in my case, it all went from bad to worst, he gave me what I wanted but ended up not wanting it. Am I going wackoo?
HE never made me feel ordinary, I always had to think it over several times.
The ratio of male to female population is 7-1, thus I came to another loony thought. Why the hell am I still single? Jeez am I a bonehead or what?
They always tell me there's a time, a place and something else. What's that something else? is it the SIGN? I had so many SIGNS a week ago yet I'm not sure if she's right for me. There's something about her that makes me sigh. I guess it's normal for others, but hey I'm not others, I'm IT. The gooey substance thats in your nose. Crappy mindset huh?
I'll wait a for a few more signs I think, hopefully, still hopefully it's going to be alright.

Tis your smile that holds me from within, enchanting as it may seem yet it crushes my spirit.

1 comment:

Sunil Natraj said...

Thought I eould stop by after a long time. My comp was down you see.

I think you should turn on word verification, you got spam.